• Pastoral Care

The Sisters of Nazareth are integrally involved in a residents end of life care. The guiding principle of “no-one dies alone” means that all resident regardless of proximity or availability of family, will be cared for with love, respect and dignity.
The personal, spiritual and social wellbeing of those in our House is nurtured through the care, support and friendship offered by the Sisters of Nazareth, Chaplains, Ministers and other Pastoral Carers.
Pastoral care is interdenominational, and respects the beliefs and perspectives of all residents. Bereavement support is provided when dealing with the loss of a loved one and maybe a difficult time. The Sisters of Nazareth provide sensitive support and assistance to residents, families (whanau), and residents representatives.

  • Nursing and Personal Care

The care that Nazareth House provide is individualised personal care that is evidence based and professional. Nazareth House employs registered nurses to ensure and facilitate high quality care. Resident and family (whanau) participation is important and demonstrated in a number of ways including family conferences, collaborative care planning, feedback and resident meetings.

  • Daily Mass

Nazareth House has an on-site chapel available to residents, families (whanua) and visitors, regardless of faith or background.

Mass is conducted daily in the chapel and services of other denominations are also available.

Notice boards are utilised to list the times of daily Mass and other religious services.  The resident families and/or representatives / whanau are welcome to join the resident.