1. Organise / Arrange an Aged Care Assessment

In Victoria an aged care assessment is completed by a member of the  Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS). The assessment is normally organised through your doctor, another health professional or directly through the ACAS Team. It is conducted to assess the care needs of an individual and helps them access the most appropriate types of care, including approval for Australian Government subsidised care services.

The assessor visits you at home or hospital to discuss the assessment with you and your family. An aged care assessment:

  • Confirms eligibility for entry into Commonwealth Funded Aged Care
  • Allows you to be assessed for permanent and / or respite care
  • Approves eligibility for a package of community care/home care to help you continue living at home, or refers you to other services to help you continue living at home.

Having an ACAT assessment does not mean you have to enter a residential aged care home, but not having one will delay the process should you need care.

  1. Organise a Financial Assessment

Complete a Centrelink Financial Assessment form titled Permanent Residential Aged Care, Request for a Combined Assets and Income Assessment. This form can be obtained through Centrelink, downloaded from our website link or from Nazareth House upon obtaining application forms.   It is advisable to complete the form and return it to Centrelink as early as practical as it could take up to six weeks for the assessment to be processed. Once Centrelink has processed the form, they will send you an income and assets assessment letter. This letter details any costs you may need to contribute to your care and accommodation and should be provided to your preferred care home.

  1. Arrange a Tour of the House and Complete Nazareth Care Application Forms

A tour is always advised, enabling the resident and their family to view the rooms, activities, meet employees and get an overall feel of the House. Please contact the House to arrange a time. Upon completion of the tour the Administration Manager will be available to meet with you and will provide you with an enquiry pack including an Application Form and to discuss any financial queries.

This form can also be downloaded from our website, or our friendly Administration team at the House can arrange for the forms to be emailed or posted to you.

This form along with the Aged Care Assessment (ACAT), Centrelink financial assessment letter (if received, if not attach Nazareth Care Assets Assessment) and Enduring Power of Attorney / Guardianship documents should be submitted to the Administration Manager so that your application can be placed on our waiting list.

  1. Room Offered and Accepted

A discussion with our Administration Manager will be arranged to discuss costs / fee’s, finalising of further forms/ paperwork, Enduring Power of Attorney, completion of Direct Debit form and signing of Resident Agreements. The admission date will then be discussed and agreed.

  1. Sign a Resident Agreement and Confirm Arrival Date

Upon acceptance of a room, a date will be scheduled for the resident and / or Enduring Power of Attorney to sign the Resident Agreement, ensure all documents have been completed and set an arrival date for the resident. When the offer is made, acceptance needs to be within 24 hours or the offer may be withdrawn. The resident arrival date should be within 2 days of acceptance, after this time the resident will be charged the daily care and accommodation fees.  If the resident arrival date is more than 5 days from the acceptance date the resident will also be charged the appropriate government funding amount.

A Resident Agreement is required to be completed and signed prior to the resident arriving. This agreement is a legal document between the resident and the House and includes details about the services provided, fees being charged and residents’ rights and responsibilities. A Direct Debit form is also completed at this time as all fees are paid by direct debit.


Resident Enquiry 

Resident Financial Information 

Resident Introduction Fee Schedule Room Pricing Camberwell Aus April 2021






